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POLS 4330 - The American Presidency

About the Course

This course provides a comprehensive perspective on the American executive branch, including presidential campaigns, elections, and governance. Students will participate in designing their own presidential campaigns.


Syllabus (as of Fall 2023)

Select Required Reading

Dickerson, J. (2020). The Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency. Random House. ISBN: 978-1984854513.

Select Assignments

Creating Campaign Ads

Campaign advertisements are an effective way to communicate a candidate's message to the voters. For this assignment, you are to create your own campaign ads that showcase your candidacy and platforms.

Feel free to create as many ads as you'd like. Keep in mind that while negative ads are acceptable, they should be fair, truthful, and respectful.

Your campaign ads should:

1. Be short, ideally between 30 and 45 seconds.

2. Convey your candidate's key policy proposals or stands.

3. Appeal to the emotions of the viewer.

4. Engage your audience and be memorable.

Before you start, review the following resources:

For inspiration, check out the past campaign ads from the 1950s to the present at The Living Room Candidate.

To understand the process of creating a political campaign video, review Making a Political Campaign Video.

  • Biteable is a good tool for creating videos online. But you're not required to use it. If you know how to use other software, go for it!

Upon completion, upload your campaign ad(s) for submission. Make sure your video files are in a format that can be easily viewed and shared.

For example, your ad could open with a compelling image or statement, then provide a brief introduction of the candidate, followed by an outline of their key policy proposals, and end with a call to action for viewers to support or vote for your candidate.

Have fun with this assignment, and remember, this is your opportunity to persuade the voters!


Crafting a Presentation on Your Presidential Pick

Please create a concise PowerPoint presentation titled, "Why I Would Vote For ________." This will involve selecting a former U.S. presidential candidate whose policy preferences align with your own (so you've gotta do some digging).

Your presentation should include the following:

1. Introduce the candidate you've chosen. Include a brief overview of who they are and their political affiliation.

2. Discuss the issues that you find important and how your chosen candidate has addressed these issues. Use concrete examples, like specific speeches, policy proposals, or actions during their campaign or time in office.

3. Compare your chosen candidate's stances to those of our class candidates. Highlight similarities and differences. Discuss how these comparisons affect your voting preference.

4. Provide a few concrete suggestions on how the class candidates and their campaigns can win your vote. This can include policy alignments, campaign strategies, communication styles, etc.

5. Summarize your main points and end with a final thought or takeaway.


- Keep the presentation concise and engaging - aim for no more than 10 slides.

- Use bullet points, visuals, or infographics to make your presentation more engaging and easy to understand.

- Always cite your sources for any information, quotes, or graphics you use.

This assignment will help you reflect on your personal policy preferences and understand the importance of informed voting. Remember, your vote is your voice!

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